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Now, to be clear, it’s usually best

发表于 2024-3-10 11:50:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Poor linking practices can mean your content never ranks or is found. Worse still, misguided linking practices can result in a linking penalty. Here are the six things every content marketer should know about linking techniques. Co-quoting isn't the sexiest technique on the planet, but it's a very good technique. Moreover, it promises to dominate the future of SEO. SEO co-citation happens when your brand is but not linked.
Since Google tracks brand mentions and not just direct links, you can increase your Brazil Phone Number Data site's authority, ranking, and recognition when you get more brand mentions. Co-citation can even occur when Website 1 is to Website 2 and Website 3, which confers authority from Website 2 to Website 3 even though the two are . Have I confused you again ? The co-citation and its cousin co-occurrence are a bit mind-boggling. Fortunately, it is quite easy to grasp the application.

Here's what you need to do: Mention other brands and sites in your content even if you don't link to them. link to such sites . But if linking is not optimal or possible, co-citation is an appropriate method to improve ranking and authority. Here are the times when co-citation can benefit your site:  Guest Blogging – Mention your site and/or brand name.  Social media posts – Google indexes brand mentions on social platforms.  Forum discussions or other user-generated content platforms where linking is not possible.


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