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How to start selling on Aliexpress?

发表于 2024-2-29 18:25:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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How to sell more during the Christmas season? Here are some tips on what to do to sell more at Christmas . Attract users to the business app Mobile purchases will be important because the consumer is more comfortable with this option. Or at least you will use them to search for information and compare. So you should focus on driving users to the app, making it easy to get to from the web. This is even more important at times like November 11, Cyber ​​Monday , and the day before Christmas. Remember to optimize the app so that navigation is simple and reach more users. Invest in digital promotions Run campaigns to promote your products and services. Take advantage of digital channels like Google Ads and social networks. Users will be browsing for gift ideas, comparing prices and looking for the best deals, so this is a great time to attract new customers.

Post ads highlighting prices and offers for products and services. The Internet provides you with various points of contact and you must know where to find your customers to take advantage of Christmas campaigns and promotion . For example, YouTube becomes more important during the World Cup, since users will be attentive to all the video information about this event. Offers free shipping Stores Canada Mobile Database that have free shipping have an advantage among Spanish consumers according to Google surveys. Because not only do they want to shop from the comfort of their home, but they want to save on Christmas shopping. Post:   How to publish post in WordPress from Microsoft Word 2013 In addition, you must make all information about shipments clear. Clarifies until what date fast shipments can be made so that buyers can make their predictions and get everything they need on time.

Catch up on purchasing preferences Find out what the shopping trends are during the season and highlight those products and services that fit them. For example, during Black Friday and the days before the World Cup final, demand for electronic products is estimated to increase. On the other hand, for the last week of the year, beauty, fashion and travel products stand out. Look at where your business fits and promote accordingly. Make offers and discounts Throughout the season you can make offers to attract more customers. If you do effective promotions, they can become promoters of your brand. But save the best deals for the end of the season, when sales begin. Analyze what is best for your Christmas sales strategy. If you want to sell more during the Christmas season, keep these tips in mind. At Web Positioning Salamanca we can help you with your digital strategy, contact us .


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