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发表于 2023-11-29 13:50:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Who are you selling to and who is really buying from you? It is a good question to start identifying those people you want to reach, let's face it, the “easy” customer does not exist. Many times we create strategies to generate business results that in the end cause us to waste both time and money, because we are not profiled.

Knowing your clients is the most important thing and although it may sound a little illogical, it has not happened to all of us that we invest in many media wanting to attract clients, and what happens, in the end many arrive, but there are very few who really meet the profile and the strategies we propose end up being ineffective. For example, a house project is not aimed at the same type of client as an apartment project, even if they are from the same sector, while the first is aimed at an audience that may be interested in larger spaces, the second is for A person who looks for other types of comforts and perhaps it is more due to location, as we saw in the last blog, has everything to do with the  behavior of generations when buying .

Not all clients have the same needs or the same tastes, therefore, it is important Telegram Number Data to know your potential clients in depth, those who normally come to ask for information in order to extract certain general data that will help you design specific marketing strategies. for each customer segment.

An effective strategy is through a market study and segmentation, since thanks to this information you will be able to know the characteristics of the people who normally come to your business and thus find out what they consume. In addition, you must know your competition, both direct and indirect, to know what they are offering since based on this you will also define the strategies that you are going to follow so that the prospects who are interested prefer to have contact with you.

A good technique is to apply Pareto's law, if 80% of our income corresponds to 20% of our clients, that is, if we manage to identify the small group of clients that represent almost all of our income, we will have found our client. potential.

It is essential to know our clients as if they were our own friends, to know their needs and from that information to know what we have to focus on to give them a solution and thus save time and money.
Make streets in city centers pedestrian-friendly

We have incredible colonial centers and it is a shame that many of them are not enjoyed due to the chaos that prevails thanks to traffic, once a week without cars will allow us to enjoy their beauty and society itself will eventually demand that they be pedestrian.

Invest in better services in the current urban area and in this way densify it

The further housing projects move away from the urban area, the more expensive it is to provide services and the less maintenance is given to existing services. This forces people who live in places with better locations to start leaving to live in more distant places. and the trips to their jobs and schools become longer, more expensive and tiring.

Map daily driving routes and share transfers

There are industrial and office areas that have only one entrance and many cars go with one person, it is quite absurd that these places have parking lots of people who make the same routes, this solution is really very easy and activatable.


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