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What are the disadvantages of Movistar switchboards

发表于 2023-3-30 17:20:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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A propitious climate that would open the doors to new simplistic explanations by Vox or important sectors of the PP that, when the time comes, will not hesitate to feed low passions with identity issues. To this is added the robust scaffolding of media, judicial and economic power that crosses and surrounds the Spanish right, as revealed by recent audio leaks about the dirty war against Podemos in the years of the PP, and that will undoubtedly intensify its activity as that the elections are approaching, with the purpose of avoiding at all costs the reissue of a pact of the left in Spain.

To dispute the discursive terrain of the right, the rhetoric south africa phone number list of anti-fascism or the appeal to fear that the extreme right will enter the institutions will not be enough to attract demobilized sectors, and may even end up favoring the traditional right selectively, as already stated. He lived in Madrid or Andalusia, where those who "stopped" the extreme right were the conservatives of the PP. The key factor will then have to be situated in whether the left will be able to take the initiative and establish a series of interpretive frameworks for reality that connect with the social needs of a broad sector of citizens.

This exercise will require going beyond short-term measures, engaging in substantial debates, and putting forward an updated proposal for well-being that is better suited to the times and that responds to situations of increasing severity, uncertainty, and social anemia. future in the analysis and a good understanding of the changes in the system will make it possible to anticipate future problems and provide an alternative horizon that reduces social anguish and responds to the daily problems of that "working middle class" to which Sánchez appealed in the Debate about the state of the nation.


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