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This automation process allows you to generate significant

发表于 2023-3-27 12:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Versus reality Having become an increasingly widespread expression, marketing automation can sometimes turn out to mean anything and everything. Let's do a check in. The ideal of marketing automation An ideal and optimal marketing automation is characterized by the use of software and strategies that allow companies to achieve their marketing objectives by nurturing prospects through useful and personalized content .

Thus, it contributes to their conversion into customers and their loyalty.  revenue , while providing an excellent return on investment . Hubspot uses a fairly concrete greece phone number list example to talk about marketing automation that we thought would be interesting to take up again: “Imagine that you want to grow a plant. To begin with, you need to find fertile soil, suitable for its development. You then need seeds to grow, then water and light to turn them into a lush plant.

The recipe isn't foolproof, but it is doable. » So in this metaphor, the effective use of marketing automation is like growing a plant. Eventually, the goal is to nurture prospects (or seeds) so that they become true paying customers (or glitzy plant). This is why we suggest you take a complete tour of what marketing automation encompasses and how it can help you. automation marketing strategy Marketing automation.


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