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Complicates the first and simplifies

发表于 2022-10-15 11:54:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Nevertheless the knowledge that hope is more often the other side of disappointment and that the latter could not exist if the former had not been inflated goes hand in hand with the happy realization that life takes care to surprise us with events that do not we had hoped since we had not even imagined them. If therefore for the moment we accepted that there is nothing to hope for we would be ready to face every new and sharp turn of life. Then curiosity would gain a dominant position. For the unknown for the future for the next moment. For the plot of the novel we are living. Curiosity that would lead us to continuous exploration of our limits. Curiosity about our next rather hopeless love. Curiosity about our next possibly traitorous ideology monotonous people we will meet.

Curiosity even about what will follow the e-commerce photo editing moment of our death. Curious about this short story that ends daily with the word to be continued. My greatest enemy would be the one who would kill this curiosity not because it would take away my hope but because it would deprive me of surprise. Confusion usually helps the worst outweigh the best. There was a time when things in the magazine press weren't confusing. It was either serious or mild. We had for example the serious Epochs by Terzakis and the light Romance . And each was clearly fulfilling its role. Today although no magazine defines itself as light all want to be ostensibly serious and essentially light.

Thus the serious was invested with lightness and lightness pretended to be serious. Behind this behavior is the new marketing ideology. The desire often acknowledged even by serious journalists and publishers to win the maximum number of readers. There are no more forms with circulation limits. Everything is aimed at everyone everyone joins a single target group in a ga golden mediocrity since only traffic euphoria. The product adapts to market rules. Or the market is built for the product. And as with any modern product more importance is placed on the quality of the packaging than that of the contents. The second. So the format of the magazine is high and its content light.


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