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Considering That Only A Very Small

发表于 2023-4-1 14:14:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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To facilitate internal communication, the company can use a collaborative platform . It is used to group and organize conversations, but also to collaborate, manage and follow common projects, or even to share files and internal information. These collaborative communication and project management tools allow you to exchange easily and quickly, anytime, anywhere and on any medium ( for more information ). What to wonder if the growing development of these tools does not sign the death warrant of e-mail.

According to an Adobe study, French executives spend an average of 5.6 hours a day reading and responding to emails. By providing project management solutions and instant messaging, aren't the growing collaborative platforms on the way to  replacing fax list professional e-mail, considered too formal, intrusive and impractical? A study of Slack, one of the most popular tools for companies, shows that its use reduces the number of emails on average by 48.6%.

This enthusiasm for this type of platform has opened up the market to competition. Thus, Facebook recently announced the official launch of Workplace , its own collaborative platform. Workplace by Facebook: a serious competitor to Slack After launching Facebook at Work in beta since 2015, Facebook unveiled its collaborative platform on October 10 to try to find a place in this market, which is already facing competition from many players such as Slack, HipChat, Yammer, Jive or Asana.


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