Roselin$102$ 发表于 2023-4-16 13:41:35

Project Lightspeed Updates Leave

This course, you'll learn how to build a business website from scratch, from signing up for a web host to setting up an email opt-in form ― and everything in between! We'll cover what tech to use, how to create a quick logo, customizing your website, and more. Launching your business website doesn’t get easier than this. Author Image by David Lindop JuneSpeed geeks, SEO fiends, and marketers alike: Gather round. Today, we have released Project Lightspeed. This is a huge milestone in the history of Thrive Themes. Project Lightspeed is a one-click.

Code optimization tool that ensures your website — built with any Thrive Themes plugins — will output leaner, cleaner code. Leaner code = less to load = faster website response times. And with Google's Core Web Vitals algorithm set to roll out gradually from later this month until August, now is the right time to try it out. Read on for a tutorial on what Project Lightspeed is and how to enable it. Table Of Contents An Introduction to Project Lightspeed How to phone number list Enable Project Lightspeed "What if something goes wrong?" "My website looks broken!" FAQ June - Project Lightspeed Updates September - Project Lightspeed Updates Novembea comment! An Introduction to Project Lightspeed Before we walk you through the tutorial, let's go over some of the key information you really should know. ("No thanks, Brad – just show me how to enable it") Most Thrive Themes plugins use our visual.

Editor. That visual editor allows you to visually build and design your pages, templates, lead generation forms, pop-ups, content and more... without ever writing a line of code. But behind the scenes, our visual editor is writing code for you—code that is interpreted by different web browsers and different devices. Years ago when we began building the Thrive Visual Editor, we followed recommended website coding practices, and we relied on browser-caching. That means more code was loaded when a visitor first arrives on your site... but that code is then saved on your device making other pages load much faster. Recently, speed measuring tools and companies like Google have ignored those.

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